Welcome to The FIX Rehab and Wellness! We encourage you to visit us for your pain relief and healthy living needs. Through our services and techniques, we promote living a clean and healthy lifestyle that will allow you to enjoy life as it is.
Providing You with the Best Pain Relief Care in Chicago
Whether you were injured on the job, in a motor vehicle accident, or your body has undergone regular wear and tear,
The FIX Rehab and Wellness has the right solution for you.
Our staff will address your injuries and pain, create the right plan of care and help restore your health care needs.
We offer prompt same day appointments and can refer you for further testing, if medically necessary.
Need a ride to our location? We will help you get to our office in our courtesy transportation vehicle. Ask for details.
The Services We Provide
The Doctor Behind It All
Get In Touch With Us
We also provide onsite concierge services for in-home, work, hotel, corporations, races and games.
Some organizations Dr. Fayaz Ather provided services for: